четвртак, 13. август 2015.


Zdravo svima dragi prijatelji i pratioci mog bloga!!!Nadam se da ste upoznati sa mojim dizajnom nakita ali evo bila mi je zelja da prosirimo blog i uvedemo nove rubrike...Od danas pocinjemo sa preporukama novih sajtova i onoga sto mene inspirise i sto mi se dopada...Znam da kad tad nekome zatreba dobra haljina a тада је проблем  gde naci nesto originalno...Gledala sam malo po interntu i nasla sam fenomenalan sajt sa prelepim VECERNJIM HALJINAM,HALJINAMA ZA DEVERUSE I Хаљине за Vencanje...evo i linka pogledajte i uverite se i sami..... http://www.aislestyle.co.uk/ 

U nastavku cu vas uveriti u lepotu njihovih haljina kroz fotografije u kombinaciji sa mojim nakitom. Nadam se da ce vas zainteresovati lepota i elegancija i da ce te otici na njihov sajt i odabrati nesto posebno za sebe....stvarno su bajkovite...Od srca veliki pozdrav i toliko od mene za sada do novog inspirativnog javljanja. Natasa Jewelry :)

Wedding dresses, dresses for bridesmaids dresses, evening dresses
Hi all dear friends and companions of my blog !!! I hope you are familiar with my jewelery design but here was my desire to spread the blog and introduce new sections ... From today we start with the recommendations of new sites and what inspires me and what I like that ... I know that sooner or later someone needs a good dress and then the problem is where to find something original ... I saw little by internt and I found it amazing site with beautiful evening gowns, dresses for bridesmaids dresses and wedding ... Here's the link look and see for yourself ..... http://www.aislestyle.co.uk/

Below I assure you in the beauty of their dress through pictures combined with my jewelry. I hope it will interest you beauty and elegance, and that you go to their site and choose something special for yourself .... you really are fabulous ... from the heart greetings and so much of me for now to a new inspiring reporting. Natasa Jewelry :)


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